Saturday, September 12, 2015

DC Trip Part 3

We spent an afternoon at Yorktown. We had an amazing ranger, Mac, who was an excellent story teller. He spent an hour with the tour group, explaining the history behind the battle. And he kept everyone's attention.

Matt  with the cannons that were shooting at the Brits many, many years ago.

Kyra going for a hike, the cannons did not interest her at all.

At the families favorite museum, the air and space museum, checking out all the neat air planes and space craft.

The wright brothers plane.

Butterfly exhibit at the museum of natural history.

Pandas at the national zoo. Kyra loves panda bears.

A relaxed gorilla.

Chimp going along the O-Line, high above our heads.

A snapping turtle. The only reason we have this photos, is when we were crabbing at grammy and grampys, we never caught crab, but our bait attracted a very large snapping turtle. It was very exciting.

washington monument

Krya with a panda.

Kyras favorite painting at the national museum of art.

Matts favorite painting.

On the flight home, we flew near Mt. Hood in Oregon. Beautiful.

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