Thursday, February 25, 2010

A visit to Manito

After Kyra's 12 month well child visit, we made a quick visit to the conservatory at Manito Park. It was nice to see the flowers and breathe in the fresh air.
Kyra weighed in at 17 pounds, 2 ounces (puts her at the 3rd percentile for weight), she's 28.5 inches long (30th percentile), and her head measures at the 50th percentile. She's following a consistant growth curve, so the doctor isn't worried about her being underweight. She's just tiny.

Happy Birthday Kyra

For Kyra's first birthday party, we had a few friends over for chili dinner (her favorite food), cake and presents. She had a great time!

Mmmmmmm....dairy free cake, lucky me!

Look at that smile!

Chase and Clayton

Kevin and Amos (?) or I should say one of the twins...

Crissy and Finn (one of the other twins)

Preschool birthday celebration

On Tuesdays, Margee voluteers at the preschool, and Kyra get's to tag along. Kyra got her first birthday celebration of the day. During snack, the kids all sang happy birthday and enjoyed cupcakes. Kyra had a blast!

The birthday girl and her first taste of cake. She cannot be her mother's daughter, she didn't like it, and it was chocolate!

Grampy came along to preschool, yah!

Matt playing legos with some of his buddies.

A backyard visitor

We saved some seeds from our sunflowers last fall and have been leaving them out on our patio for the urban wildlife to enjoy. Most mornings, we have a visitor who's been chowing down on the seeds.

Matthew eating like a squirel.

Grampy comes for a visit

Studying a book on war airplanes.

This is fun!

After building fighter planes, Grampy and Matt had epic battles in the living room.

Grampy came for a quick visit for Kyra's first birthday. The kids loved having him around. Matthew asked if he could stay with us for 16 years. Hmmm.....

Quick trip to Seattle

Unfortunately, Margee's aunt passed away, so Kyra and Margee had to make a quick trip to Seattle for the memorial. On a good note, we stayed at a friends house, Matt and Christine, and it gave us a chance to catch up and for our girls to finally meet. Dylan Rae is 3 weeks younger than Kyra.

Are they cute or what?!?!?!?

Having dinner.....

Checking out Dylans cool toys.

Dylan is going through a nibbling phase, although she may have liked the taste of Kyra's hair, Kyra wasn't too happy about it.

Look at me mom. Can I have one of these?


Matt's taking a how to play hockey class on Satuday mornings and loving it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More eating photos

I know I'm biased, but isn't that a cute kid?!?!? See that bruise on her forehead - she can climb into our downstairs bathtub, falling head first of course. These kids keep you on your toes.

Kyra signing "all done". She also signs more (by clapping her hands) and eat (by covering her mouth with her hand). She's a talker too. Says mamamama for mommy's milk, nananana for no, dada for dad, dahnnee (it's either doggy or denali, she say's it to the dog.) When you're trying to figure out what she's asking for, like a toy or food, when you finally pick up what she wants she sqeaks and claps her hands. How's that for communication!

We still use sippy cups to keep spillage down. But at meals, she wants to drink out of a cup like the rest of us. Soy milk, yummmm.....

Dorky kid in boxers pulled as high as they can go

Digging in the Cupboards

Both kids loved digging in the plastic container and bowl drawer. Usually Kyra crawls all the way into the cupboard, but of course I never have the camera around when she does it.