Saturday, September 12, 2015

DC Trip Part 3

We spent an afternoon at Yorktown. We had an amazing ranger, Mac, who was an excellent story teller. He spent an hour with the tour group, explaining the history behind the battle. And he kept everyone's attention.

Matt  with the cannons that were shooting at the Brits many, many years ago.

Kyra going for a hike, the cannons did not interest her at all.

At the families favorite museum, the air and space museum, checking out all the neat air planes and space craft.

The wright brothers plane.

Butterfly exhibit at the museum of natural history.

Pandas at the national zoo. Kyra loves panda bears.

A relaxed gorilla.

Chimp going along the O-Line, high above our heads.

A snapping turtle. The only reason we have this photos, is when we were crabbing at grammy and grampys, we never caught crab, but our bait attracted a very large snapping turtle. It was very exciting.

washington monument

Krya with a panda.

Kyras favorite painting at the national museum of art.

Matts favorite painting.

On the flight home, we flew near Mt. Hood in Oregon. Beautiful.

DC Trip Part 2

We visited an old time farm that is across the river from Mt. Vernon (where Washington lived.). It was a rainy day. The kids are inside a two room cabin. The farm used to be a tobacco farm. It is now a national park, to preserve the land across from Mt Vernon..


Then we headed west to go explore Shenandoah National Park. A storm came through.

Kyra posing.

Matt climbing rocks.

Hiking the Appalacian Trail.

Kids at a waterfall.

Then on to Virginia Beach to go visit cousin Porsche. Here's Matt going into the Atlantic Ocean to boogie board.

Curt and Kyra having fun in the surf.

Porsche and Archer hanging out..

Kyra boogie boarding.

Archer buried Kyra.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Trip to Visit Grammy & Grampy & DC Part 1

We were able to go visit Margee's parents this summer in Annapolis, then the Shanendoah National Park, Virginia Beach and DC. We had a blast.

Matt crabbing off of the dock at grammy and grampy's house.

Kyra doing the same. They ended up catching a snapping turtle instead of blue crabs.

Their house on Back Creek.

Barbara and Kyra paddle boarding.

Matt paddle boarding.

A group of kids taking sailing lessons in Annapolis.

We went to Fort Stevens to see a revolutionary war battle. But guess what,! The south didn't show up - it was a rainy day!

This is where Lincoln stood during a battle at Fort Stevens.

Northern soldiers.

We went to a festival at a national park that had acres of lotus and lily pad gardens.

Went out on the boat. Here are some kestrels.

Matt and Kyra standing on boogy boards in Millers Creek.

Look mom, no hands!

Grampy and Curt hanging out.

Kids sacked out in the boat after a busy day of surfing and swimming.