Friday, September 30, 2011

RUSH and 4th of July

We went camping over 4th of July - it was OK. Didn't have respectful neighbors. Oh well. Live and learn - don't go camping on a holiday weekend.

Kyra liked doing dishes and playing in the dish tub with clean water.

The main reason we went camping was for Curt to take Matthew to RUSH - he loved it. A couple a years ago, Matthew heard "Working Man" (a RUSH song) on the radio. He came running into the house saying, "Mom, there's this totally awesome rock and roll band, Working Man. We heard them on the radio. They're awesome!" And from then out, he's been a huge RUSH fan.

Summer Vacation - Seattle & Anchorage

We had an early summer trip this year - we left as soon as Matthew was out of school for the summer. We drove to Seattle to go to Margee's 20th HS reunion (no pictures), then flew to Alaska to attend Curt's 30th HS reunion (no pics).

We had a great time visiting Curt's parents, his brothers Scotty and Aaron and their families. The kids loved being with their cousins. We went hiking, we visit relatives, museums, it was non-stop fun. Matthew wants to move to Alaska. Unfortunately, I lost a bunch of photos somehow - so no pics of epic hikes, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Darn. I'm guessing the kids played with the camera and deleted files.

Kyra and Matthew at their favorite part of the Seattle Aquarium.

First day in Alaska, took the Scotty Chambers cousins to the zoo. They had a great time running around!
Kyra, Curt, Saylah

Aunt Kathy and the kiddos.

Curt, and cousins Kahleena, Kyra and Torin - hanging out at a park, listening to music with a picnic lunch.

Big cousin Kiel with the young clan - Matthew, Torin, Kyra and Kahleena.

Kyra fell in love with Moriaha and Keils dog, Galacian.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Pics

Random photos from throughout this summer.

Graduation Day - Now a First Grader

Matthew's school had a great graduation ceremony, kids signing songs, getting their certificate from the principal, and then cake and juice. This is his teacher - she was amazing!

Kids Singing

Our little tiger singing head, shoulders, knees and toes - in early June!

A duet - Kyra singing Smokey the Bear, and Matthew signing Sunday Bloody Sunday.