Thursday, March 3, 2011

Who's a Big Girl Now?

Day after her birthday, Kyra had her well-child visit. Our big girl is really a "Big Little Girl" kind of like Dustin Hoffman in the old film Little Big Man.

She weighs in at 23 pounds (14th percentile)

She's 2'9" tall (28th percentile)

She was a trooper and didn't cry with the shots, just looked at me and said "Ow!"

And, the next day she got her first big girl haircut. I've been cutting her bangs about monthly, since her first birthday. She's all hair, no body. Kyra's hair, when wet, went down past her shoulderblades. She hates getting her hair brushed. And the longer hair is, the more likely it will get tangled. So, we cut off about 3-4 inches, and give her a new do, when it's dry out, it's a bob, and when there's moisture in the air, it's a curly do.

Another Snow Day

Kyra's real birthday brought a huge snowstorm, and we woke up last Thursday morning to 8+ inches of snow and blizzard like winds throughout the region. School was closed - so mom stayed home from work and played with the kids! But, it was only 12 degrees and with the wind, alot colder, so they didn't stay outside long in the morning. We went to Riverfront Park to go sledding after nap. We found a nice sunny spot, and had a great time - but of course, didn't take any pictures.

Kyra's 2!

Look at the birthday girl! She had a wonderful time at her second bday party. We invited a few friends that have kids that are Kyra's age over for an Italian dinner, cake and more importantly, play time! Thanks to the Davis's, Knights, Islam-Zwarts and Jacobs family for celebrating with us!

The little kids table, clockwise from left, Lily, Kyra, Clayton, Amira, not shown is Jacob. Jacob, Lily and Kyra ran circles around the house chasing each other, until mom had to ruin the fun by opening the over door, and posting a no running rule while cooking. Way to ruin a party mom!

Big kids table, clockwise from left, Navi, Eva, Matthew and Andrew.

Shannon and Kayleen chowing down on some good food.

Paul, Curt and Khalil, serving themselves...

Big brother helping sister out with her cake and candles. Matt blew them out, so we had to re-light so that Kyra could do the birthday deed! And she did it - with two breaths.

Mom cutting cake and Kyra eating the frosting. Nummy.

Look at me, I'm a big girl now!

One of her new favorite toys, a big My Little Pony that has it's own bottle.

More random "day in the life" photos