Day after her birthday, Kyra had her well-child visit. Our big girl is really a "Big Little Girl" kind of like Dustin Hoffman in the old film Little Big Man.
She weighs in at 23 pounds (14th percentile)
She's 2'9" tall (28th percentile)
She was a trooper and didn't cry with the shots, just looked at me and said "Ow!"
And, the next day she got her first big girl haircut. I've been cutting her bangs about monthly, since her first birthday. She's all hair, no body. Kyra's hair, when wet, went down past her shoulderblades. She hates getting her hair brushed. And the longer hair is, the more likely it will get tangled. So, we cut off about 3-4 inches, and give her a new do, when it's dry out, it's a bob, and when there's moisture in the air, it's a curly do.