Friday, February 11, 2011

Some Fun Photos of Life at the Chambers

A few fun photos:

Nothing better than a good book!

Ginger, relaxing on the couch.

Yummy, grapefruit.

Nothing better than playing with Matthew's toys.

Good old dog, Denali.

Matt hanging out in his bed listening to a really good book.

A dad and his boy.

Holmes Hero

Matthew was nominated by his teacher to be a Holmes Hero in January. He received a certificate from his principal, Mr. Barnes at a special lunch. Way to go Matthew!

Fond Farewell

Denali had to be put down today. He made it 11.5 years - which is incredible for his breed. We were very lucky to have him as part of our family for so many years. We miss him terribly. Although this picture is a couple of years old, I thought it would be perfect for a memorial, a boy and his dog doing what they love best, exploring the great outdoors. We love you Denali!
I'll have more photos to post as soon as I figure out how to get them off the new camera and onto the computer.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rock star (or mullet boy) in the making

So, about a year ago, Matt and Curt were driving home from hockey, listening to a classic rock station. The song, Working Man, by the bank Rush came on. It was love at first listen. Matt ran into the house and was all "Mom, there's this totally rocking band called Working Man. I love them." He's gets the song title and band name confused at times. So, Santa brought Matt the best of Rush CD for Xmas. He loves it. But, mom says no mullets allowed!

Here's recent snippets of Kyra and Matt dancing. Matt's got the whole air guitar thing down - it must be genetic.

Gingerbread Party

Every Xmas break, we invite the neighborhood kids over for a gingerbread house party. We get them all hopped up on sugar, then send them home!

The kids have a blast.



Crazy boys.

Nice picture.

Crazy sugar kids!


A few pics from Xmas eve present fest!

Kyra got a vuvuzela (the noisy things from the World Cup). Zela is Kyra's nick name becasue she's sooo darn noisy!

A girl and her horse.

Matt has xcoutry skis!